What can home care package funds be used for? - Wise Choice IHC

What can home care package funds be used for?

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Imagine being able to stay in the comfort of your own home as you age, with all the support you need to live your life to the fullest. That’s the promise of a Home Care Package (HCP).  Designed to adapt to your individual needs, the four levels of the home care package ensure that whether you need a little help around the house or comprehensive health support, you can receive the right level of assistance.

If you’re wondering how you or your loved ones can take advantage of these government-funded packages, you’re in the right place.

Home Care Package funds are designed to be flexible, allowing you to choose the services that best fit your unique needs and lifestyle. Whether you need a little help around the house, specialised medical care, or just someone to keep you company, these funds can be a game-changer.

Let’s dive into the many ways HCP funds can be used to make your home life as comfortable, safe, and enjoyable as possible.

What Can Home Care Package Funds Be Used For?

Home Care Package (HPC) funds are remarkably versatile, allowing for a wide range of services to be customised to the individual’s needs. Here are the various categories of support and services that can be covered by these funds.

Personal Care Services

Personal care services are essential for daily living, particularly for those who struggle with routine activities due to age, disability, or health conditions. You can use HCP funds for these services, which include assistance with bathing and showering, which ensures that you maintain your personal hygiene with dignity.

Dressing and grooming support helps you keep looking and feeling your best. Assistance with toileting ensures comfort and cleanliness, and mobility support aids in moving safely around the home, whether it’s getting out of your bed, transferring to a chair, or navigating stairs.

Household Assistance

Maintaining a clean and organised home can become increasingly challenging. Household assistance services are designed to keep the living environment safe and pleasant. These include cleaning and laundry services, which handle regular tasks like dusting, vacuuming, and washing clothes.

Dishwashing services keep the kitchen clean and hygienic, while home organisation helps with tidying up and arranging living spaces. Using HCP funds services relieves the burden of household chores, allowing individuals to live comfortably in a well-maintained home.

Meal Preparation and Nutrition

Next, HCP funds can be used for meal preparation and nutritional support. This includes meal planning and preparation assistance, ensuring that individuals enjoy nutritious meals that meet their dietary needs. Specialised support is available for those with specific dietary requirements, such as diabetic or low-sodium diets.

Additionally, feeding assistance helps those who have difficulty eating independently, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition. These services are crucial for maintaining good health and energy levels.

Health and Therapy Services

Ongoing health and therapeutic support are essential for managing health conditions and improving quality of life. You can use health services covered by HCP funds, including physiotherapy, to improve mobility and reduce pain through tailored exercises.

Occupational therapy helps you adapt your home and daily activities to maintain independence. Speech therapy supports you if you have communication or swallowing difficulties, enhancing your ability to interact and enjoy meals safely.

Social Support and Companionship

Social support and companionship services provide opportunities for meaningful interaction. This includes having someone to chat with, share meals, or engage in hobbies and activities, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Additionally, social outings offer assistance in getting out and about, whether it’s attending community events, visiting friends, or participating in recreational activities. Using these services, you can foster a sense of community and belonging, enhancing your overall quality of life.

Transport Services

Mobility can be a significant barrier to independence, especially for those who don’t drive or have mobility issues. Transport services funded by HCP can help you with this challenge. They provide rides to essential appointments, such as medical visits and shopping trips, ensuring individuals can access necessary services and supplies.

Transport support also extends to social and recreational activities, allowing individuals to stay connected and participate in their community. Reliable transport services are crucial for maintaining independence and social engagement.

Equipment and Assistive Technology

Staying independent at home often requires specialised equipment or technology. Home Care Package funds can be used to acquire mobility aids, such as walkers, wheelchairs, or scooters, which help individuals move around safely.

Home modifications, like installing handrails or ramps, make the home environment more accessible and safer. Assistive devices, including hearing aids, visual aids, or communication devices, support daily living activities and enhance independence.

Can I get a mobility scooter from my aged care package?

Yes, it is possible to obtain a mobility scooter through your Home Care Package, depending on your individual needs and circumstances. As a Home Care Package recipient, you can use your allocated funds to purchase or rent a mobility scooter if it is deemed necessary to support your mobility and independence.

To acquire a mobility scooter through your Home Care Package, you would need to discuss your requirements with your Home Care Provider. They will assess your needs, help you choose the right scooter, and connect you with suppliers in your area. This ensures the scooter fits your mobility and safety needs perfectly.

Also Read: Must Have Aged Care Equipment to Help Elderly at Home

Nursing Services

For individuals with medical care needs, professional nursing services provide crucial health care at home. You can use HCP funds for nursing services like wound care, where nurses manage and dress wounds to promote healing and prevent complications.

Moreover, medication management ensures that you take your medications correctly and on time, reducing the risk of adverse effects or missed doses. Health monitoring services regularly check vital signs and manage chronic conditions, such as blood pressure and diabetes.

Help with Impairments or Continence

Managing impairments or continence issues can significantly impact daily life. Home Care Package level funds can be used for continence aids and support, helping you manage bladder or bowel control with dignity.

For those with impairments, whether visual, hearing, or mobility-related, tailored support strategies and tools are available to enhance daily living. These services ensure that you can manage your conditions effectively and maintain your comfort and dignity.

Home or Garden Maintenance

A well-maintained home and garden contribute to a safe and pleasant living environment. Through home care package funds, you can cover minor repairs around the house, ensuring that it remains secure and functional.

Yard work services, such as mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, maintaining the garden, and keeping the outdoor area tidy and enjoyable. Home safety checks identify and address potential hazards, creating a secure living space.

What items are excluded from the home care package?

Understanding the exclusions helps you and your families plan and budget effectively, ensuring that Home Care Package funds are used appropriately to enhance health, safety, and independence while living at home.
Here’s a list of items that are typically excluded from Home Care Packages:
  1. Food Purchases: Except for specific medical needs like enteral feeding, general groceries and meals are not covered.
  2. Electronics and Home Appliances: Purchasing or upgrading electronics such as TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and other non-essential household appliances are not covered under Home Care Packages.
  3. Permanent Accommodation Costs: This includes buying a home, paying rent, or mortgage payments. These are considered personal living expenses and are not funded.
  4. Home Care Fees: Fees already covered by other government funding or joint arrangements are excluded from Home Care Package funds.
  5. Other Government-Funded Care: Services funded by the Australian Government or jointly funded are not covered by Home Care Packages.
  6. Non-Care-Related Home Modifications or Assets: Expenses for home improvements unrelated to your care needs are not eligible.
  7. Travel and Holiday Expenses: Costs for vacations, travel, and accommodation related to leisure activities are not covered.
  8. Entertainment Activities: Expenses like club memberships, sporting event tickets, and gambling are considered personal expenses and are not funded.
  9. Medicare or Pharmaceutical Benefits: Services covered under Medicare or the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme are not eligible for Home Care Package funds.

Summing Up

Home care packages are an investment in your long-term independence and well-being, not just a means of surviving. HCP funds give you the flexibility to personalise the services you get, enabling you to design a support network that suits your own requirements and interests.

Your Home Care Package can be customised to fit your unique lifestyle and preferences, ensuring you receive the most out of your care plan.  Whether you have basic care needs or high care needs, HCP funds are designed to adapt to your individual situation. With the right support, you can continue to enjoy the familiarity and comfort of your home, surrounded by the assistance, care and services that empower you to live your best life.

Get in touch with us to learn more about the various Home Care Package levels and the services offered. Our committed staff is here to assist you in weighing your alternatives and developing a customised care plan that satisfies your requirements. Allow us to work together to provide the greatest care and improve your quality of life at home.

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