SIL Application Process: How Do I Apply for Supported Independent Living? - Wise Choice IHC

SIL Application Process: How Do I Apply for Supported Independent Living?

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Are you or a loved one living with a disability and seeking greater independence? Supported Independent Living (SIL) could be the answer. SIL is the NDIS-funded program that provides tailored support for individuals to live as independently as possible in their own homes or shared accommodations. If you’re wondering how to apply for SIL, what the application process entails and how to find an appropriate SIL program, then keep reading!

In this blog, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about getting supported independent living so that you can enjoy greater freedom and control over your daily life.


What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is the NDIS-funded program designed to help individuals with disabilities live as independently as possible. SIL can be provided in your own home or shared accommodation and includes support for various daily living tasks such as personal care, cooking meals, cleaning, managing finances, and more.

A key aspect of SIL is that it provides tailored support based on the individual’s needs. This means that each person’s level of support can be customised depending on their unique circumstances. For example, someone with high support needs may require 24-hour assistance from a support worker, while others may only need occasional check-ins.

To access SIL funding through the NDIS, you must first meet eligibility criteria and have an approved plan in place. Your plan will outline what supports you are eligible for and how much funding you can receive towards those supports.

Supported Independent Living aims to empower individuals with disabilities by providing them with the necessary resources to live as independently as possible within their chosen living environment.


The SIL Application Process

The process of applying for Supported Independent Living (SIL) can seem overwhelming, but with the right information and support, individuals can navigate it successfully and achieve their desired outcomes. The first step is determining whether you are eligible for SIL funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Once eligibility is established, it’s time to research SIL providers in your area. A Support Coordinator can assist with this process by helping you find appropriate programs that meet your specific needs. It’s important to consider factors such as the level of support offered, accommodation options, and location when selecting a provider.

After choosing a provider, the next step is completing the application form, which includes details about your disability support requirements and current living situation. This information will help determine the level of SIL funding required to meet your needs.

It’s important to note that there may be wait times associated with securing SIL funding and placement in a program. However, staying informed throughout the process and maintaining open communication with relevant parties such as support coordinators or allied health professionals can help ensure a smoother transition into supported independent living.


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How to Find an Appropriate SIL Program

When looking for a suitably supported independent living (SIL) program, there are various factors to consider. Firstly, it’s important to assess your individual needs and preferences when it comes to living arrangements. Do you require high levels of support, or are you more independent? This will help determine the level of SIL funding required and the type of accommodation needed.

Next, research SIL providers in your area and check their reputation by reading reviews and testimonials from other NDIS participants. You can also ask for recommendations from your support coordinator or allied health professionals, such as occupational therapists.

Consider the location of potential SIL programs – do they offer access to public transport or other amenities that suit your lifestyle? Also, take into account any additional services offered by providers such as daily living assistance or 24-hour support.

Another important aspect is affordability – ensure the costs associated with the program fit within your budget and align with your NDIS plan goals.

Ultimately, finding an appropriate SIL program involves careful consideration and planning based on individual needs and preferences.


What to Expect from the SIL Program

When it comes to supported independent living (SIL) programs, each individual will have their own unique needs and expectations. However, there are some general things that you can expect from a SIL program.

Firstly, you can expect a level of support that is tailored to your specific needs. This may include assistance with daily tasks such as cooking meals or personal care, as well as help with accessing the community and managing finances.

You can also expect to live in an environment that meets your needs and preferences. This may be a shared living situation or private rental accommodation, depending on what suits you best.

A SIL program should provide 24-hour support if needed and have a roster of care workers who can assist at any time. You may also work with an occupational therapist or other allied health professional to ensure that your living situation is safe and comfortable.

What you can expect from a SIL program will depend on your individual circumstances but rest assured knowing that the focus will always be on helping you achieve greater independence whilst having all levels of required assistance available.


Your SIL Application Ally

We’re here to simplify your journey towards Supported Independent Living. Contact us today and let’s get started on your SIL application process.


How Do I Apply for Supported Independent Living?

Supported independent living (SIL) is a program that provides assistance to people with disabilities or mental health conditions to live independently. The SIL program helps individuals to develop life skills and participate in community activities while living in their own homes. If you are interested in applying for the SIL program, here is a step-by-step guide to the SIL application process.


Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

Before you can apply for the SIL program, you need to determine if you are eligible. SIL is available to people with disabilities or mental health conditions who are 18 years or older and need assistance to live independently. You must also have the NDIS plan that includes SIL as one of your support categories.


Step 2: Contact the NDIS Provider

To apply for SIL, you need to contact the NDIS provider. NDIS providers are organizations that are registered with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and provide services to people with disabilities. You can find a list of NDIS providers in your area by visiting the NDIS website.


Step 3: Develop Your Support Plan

Once you have contacted the NDIS provider, they will work with you to develop a support plan that meets your needs. The support plan will include the services and supports that you require to live independently. This may include assistance with daily tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and personal care, as well as support to participate in community activities.


Step 4: Choose a SIL Provider

After your support plan has been developed, you will need to choose a SIL provider. SIL providers are organizations that provide accommodation and support services to people with disabilities. Your NDIS provider can provide you with a list of SIL providers in your area.


Step 5:  Look for the services

Once you’ve made your choice of a SIL provider, explore the variety of services they provide and the additional benefits they offer.


Step 6: Sign the Service Agreement

After you have chosen a desired SIL provider, you will need to sign a service agreement. The service agreement outlines the services and supports that the SIL provider will provide to you, as well as the fees and charges associated with the service.


Step 7: Move into Your New Home

Once the service agreement has been signed, you can move into your new home. The SIL provider will work with you to ensure that you have the support and services you need to live independently. This may include assistance with setting up your home, developing life skills, and accessing community activities.


Step 8: Review Your Support Plan

Your support plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is meeting your needs. You can work with your NDIS provider and SIL provider to make any necessary changes to your support plan.



Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a vital program that empowers NDIS participants to live as independently as possible. The SIL application process can seem daunting, but with the right support and guidance from your Support Coordinator or allied health professionals, it can be a smooth and stress-free experience.

By finding an appropriate SIL provider, such as Wise Choice In-Home Care, you can access accommodation options that meet your individual needs and level of support. You will have access to 24-hour assistance with daily living tasks such as cooking meals and personal care so you can focus on living life to the fullest.

In conclusion, the SIL application process involves determining your eligibility, contacting the NDIS provider, developing a support plan, choosing a SIL provider, signing a service agreement, moving into your new home, and reviewing your support plan. If you are interested in the SIL program, it is important to work with the NDIS provider and SIL provider to ensure that you have the support and services you need to live independently.

To learn more about the SIL application process, please contact us via our website or call us at 02 8704 6271. 

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