Disability Home Care Service: Enjoy your independency! - Wise Choice IHC

Disability Home Care Service: Enjoy your independency!

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Everyone has a right to access their independence in their own form. And liberty is no different for those living with a disability.

Living in a community, and enjoying an active social life, boost self-esteem and quality of life. There is no point in laying back and worrying about the disability while you are given the option of getting help from the home care services inside Sydney & Fairfield.

Maybe it’s time to experience something new and consider the factors that you have been seeking to do for a long time;

  • An important aspect you want to do in your life
  • Areas you are seeking for entertainment
  • Changes you are looking forward to in your life
  • Support and help you need to perform the desired stuff

Once all these are considered, the next is to find out the availability. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has empowered people living with disability to live their dreams and pursue their goals.


Live Life to the Fullest: Unlock Your Potential with Home Care Services

Unlock your full potential and enjoy a fulfilling life with the support of disability home care services, enabling you to pursue your passions and aspirations.


The NDIS- Empowering People with Disability


For people over 65 years of age suffering from permanent disability, you may be eligible for NDIS support. These services have certain guidelines that need to be implemented, and the support you are going to receive is further classified;


Assistive technology


These are devices used for assisting purposes by people suffering from disabilities. People suffering from it, get it difficult to cope with their daily activities independently.  Here, daily activities mean self-care pursuits, such as toileting, bathing, eating, dressing, and grooming.

People using assistive technology gain more easy-going life, social participation, security and control. This can be a mobility cane for disabled people.


Employment opportunities


NDIS not only support you with home care packages but also help in finding suitable work to earn your living. The program encourages participation, with individualized assistance, securing and maintenance work which highly emphasizes on employability by offering vocational & skills training.


Modification of residence


These include renovating your space for easy movements, i.e. changing the layout, structure, and fittings of the residence, where the individual can freely make movements.


Modification of vehicles


This is a kind of adjustment that allows you to independently move in and out of your vehicle without the use of a wheelchair. The agenda here includes carrying the wheelchair without being lifted or driving the vehicle with special controls.


Support for personal care


This includes assistance in maintaining personal hygiene, washroom access, showering, dressing & undressing, cleaning the house, stocking and monitoring pantries, and cleaning & washing.


Turn Dreams into Reality: Fulfill Your Goals with NDIS Home Care

Take a step closer to turning your dreams into reality by accessing NDIS home care services, providing the support and assistance you need to achieve your desired goals.


Recreational Support


Strongly contributing to community participation, skills, enhancement, religious involvement and personal well-being.  The involvement here is diverse. From attaining sports events to concerts or catching up with a long-time friend, or attending Sunday mass, it can be anything.


Getting help


Several options are available. You just need to focus on the self-fulfilling aspect instead of the worrying aspect. With so many options, you might wonder about the service you can avail of. If you are confused just take help from the Disability Service Provider in Sydney.

Wise Choice in Home Care has been delivering quality disabled services throughout Australia. We have an extensive network of quality healthcare professionals in Sydney and Fairfield. We have certified caretakers and we ourselves are registered with NDIS.

Our only aim is to provide care with love and support. We also understand that trust and respect are the only aspects that keep the relationship moving between you and us.

Contact us today for any kind of support, queries or information. We are more than glad to help you and your family members so that we can give you a rewarding independent life despite your disability.

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